"I suck at board games!" It popped out of my mouth yesterday as Ronnie meticulously worked his way across the checker board. I think that counts as a self-defeating statement, but I truly don't like board games--at all. By the end of the day Monday, I had counted up four self-defeating statements; Ronnie is right--three of the four were related to body image.
It appears, as it stated at the onset of this "Make A Difference" adventure, the theme weaving its way through these past three weeks is "mindfulness." It takes conscientiousness to observe your own behaviors and really see where your being self-defeating. It also means you have to be honest with yourself--like knowing there are a gazillion dust bunnies under that piece of furniture but ignoring them, hoping they will vanish on their own. Nope, you have to take the time to move the furniture, be slightly shocked and shamed at the sight before you, and then dive in to clean it well. You know you have to do it, but you don't want to face it! However, the crucible of discipline brings about an unexpected peace. Peace is good...
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