It's never a good sign (as a woman) when your husband compares your latest fashion purchase to a "dream catcher." Luckily I didn't purchase a skirt or a crocheted top; I wanted to try out a cute headband (one that I thought was tasteful, but apparently not) with a 1920's vibe. It was a slim satin-covered headband with a few chestnut-colored feathers positioned just so it cupped your head when you wore it. The look I was shooting for was one of ambiguity. It wasn't supposed to look like a dream catcher on my head.
With my short hair and lots of layers on top, I was able to make it look as though, instead of sitting on my head, the decorations were "intertwined" with my hair. However, the dream catcher analogy combined with the beginnings of a headache convinced me to return said hair accessory and abandon the idea. It really was a classy accessory...just not something one would wear daily. Bummer. What really sealed the deal, however, is when I turned around, (a look of seeking approval in my eyes) wearing my coquettish headband and Ronnie smiles then begins to sing the theme song from Disney's Pocahontas, "I look once more, just around the river bend..." 'Nuff said.
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