
Welcome to my blog about my journey through this book and it's challenges. It's a simple exercise, but it's good for me. I hope you enjoy the blips and slips and funny moments. You may even learn a thing or two too!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Week 51--Help!

Help!  "Take the time to help, whether it's a stranger who needs directions, a child who needs extra attention learning to read, or your persistently pesky aging neighbor who can't carry his own groceries to the third floor anymore.  Unless you are in the middle of delivering a baby, find the time to lend a hand, an ear, a moment."

It is perhaps fate that I should pick Help! this week since I didn't accomplish my task of "Knowing my Neighbor" last week.  I am disappointed in myself that I didn't make the time to buy the bottle of wine and go to the door of our new neighbor (down the road a bit, not directly next door...I'm not that lazy) and welcome her to the "hood."  I started wondering each day last week things such as, "Will she think me odd bringing her a welcome basket?  What if she doesn't like red wine?  white wine?  no wine?  We've only ever talked while I walk the dogs past her house..."  It's rather pathetic, I admit it.  I must do something about it...but I haven't yet decided. 

This brings me to this week; perhaps I can redeem myself.  Tonite I agreed to help a friend who decided she doesn't have enough time to do everything at home before her warm-weather vacation so she's asked me to stop by and go through a list of "To-Do's" for her house, of which I have agreed to assist quite willingly.

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