The card reads, "Is there a category of people that you don't like? Bodybuilders? Smokers? Jewish American Princesses? Prejudiced people? What's behind the prejudice? When did it first start? What threatens or scares you about that group? Have you or a friend had a bad experience? And now for the hard part: When the opportunity casually presents itself (or you consciously create it), talk to someone against whom you hold a prejudice and learn about them as a person. Are they what you expected?
There are five questions in the aforementioned paragraph I can answer about the group of which I am prejudiced: Buicks and more often, the drivers of Buicks. Yes, that's right...I hate driving behind Buicks. Typically it's the classic Buick LeSabres driven by my elders (usually) and I find each experience both predictable and unnerving. I'll take this week to ponder each question and answer one a night and see how many Buicks I find myself irritatingly driving behind this week.
I truly believe God places Buicks in my path to test my patience...or save me from my own sometimes road rage-ish behavior. My auto arch nemesis below is the target of my "unfavorable, sometimes preconceived opinions and feelings formed without knowledge, thought, or reason." In other words, my prejudice.
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