Gentle Driving: this week's card reads, "If you must drive, try a gentler approach. Make it your mission to convey such a gracious and relaxed attitude to the other drivers around you that it can't help but be contagious. Smile and let the other driver at a stop sign intersection go ahead of you. Through your courteous example, others might even see how unnecessarily aggressive their own driving is. Watch out for an be especially gentle on bicyclist and pedestrians."
My initial thought about this week's task is that last week's topic of my prejudice towards Buick drivers will have to be laid down. How ironic that this week I will need to work towards auto-harmony. My husband has a technique to clear up the ambiguity of " Who goes next?" when two cars arrive at the stop sign simultaneously. He points to the other driver to defer to them first--always. If they go, good; if they offer him to go first, even better. I saw it in action a couple times today and it was brilliant! I will start with this technique tomorrow and go from there. By the way, aren't we supposed to be gentle to cyclists and pedestrians since they have the right of way?
Just for fun...happy drivers!
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