My second cultural expansion exposure occurred at the Macy's shoe department. Leave it to shoes on sale to bring together a melting pot of ladies. As I browsed the size 10 sale rack, a group of three what I believe were Muslim ladies were intermingled and speaking Arabic so effortlessly. The only word I could make out was "McNuggets." Hilarious! Here are three women and a baby obviously not native Americans and one was on her cell phone ordering chicken mcnuggets! Priceless.
What I noticed first about these women is that all three were covered head to toe with the exception of their faces. They did not give me the time of day at all; I smiled at one woman as she was only a foot or two away from me ( as I reached for the Gucci heel) and she looked at me and didn't crack a smile. I find that odd; it would be uncouth of me not to acknowledge another human being if they were within my bubble. The other thing I noticed right off the bat is that what lacked in displaying arm skin or their hair they made up for in dressing in very colorful tops and wearing several bejeweled items. It was quite pretty, actually, and very different than what I'm used to in my upbringing. Appreciation for different ways to skin a cat, it seems, is the goal of this week's task.
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