
Welcome to my blog about my journey through this book and it's challenges. It's a simple exercise, but it's good for me. I hope you enjoy the blips and slips and funny moments. You may even learn a thing or two too!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Week 46--Baby Sit--Saturday Morning

I'm amazed at being awake so early on a less a Saturday morning after watching three energetic "tweens" the night before.  Emma, Cassie and Maggie were my guests last night for a few hours while their parents are off for a romantic weekend on the town.  I've never seen my brother-in-law so excited--he loads the girls "stuff" in the back of my car and shouts, "OK, we're off!  Have fun!" and literally jogs back to the car as my sister says, "Take care of my loves."  Then they speed off in search of friends, food, beer and a rock concert to start off their weekend.  It's amazing the number of items kids bring with them:  luggage (roller luggage), sleeping bag, pillow, stuffed animal, coat, hat, purse...multiple that by three...WOW.  I know this to be true from experience and family--kids require a lot of energy...That's why I don't have any yet...I remember now :)

We had a fun time; the girls said they had a fun time.  How could you not?  We shopped a bit at their favorite store --Half Price Books (intellectuals, my nieces--love it) and then picked up a pizza, baked it at home, watched a movie, and ate freshly baked cookies.  I made sure to load them up on caffeine and sugar before handing them over to my sister for the rest of the weekend. Ha :)

Next babysitting date: TBD :)

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