I don't relax easily; I'm kinda like my dogs when they haven't had a walk for a while...I pace, I keep busy, I organize. What does that mean? I have always felt that my brain never stops; I'm always thinking. Why does this matter? It matters because it makes relaxing difficult. Don't get me wrong, I want to relax, but I almost feel guilty for doing so. Guilt should only be felt if you've done something wrong, right? It sure isn't wrong to rest; I just need to practice it more often, I think.
Speaking of random things I've thought about today relating to this week's task...how about this: If you had $40 bucks, (and guys, this is mostly girl stuff, but think creatively) and you had to choose between a mani/pedi or a shopping trip, which would you choose? Here's how I think this through...
If I get a mani/pedi, it feels wonderful! There is no re-creating the relaxation experienced at a clean salon with a skilled technician. They delicately cut your nails and cuticles, use hot stones to massage essential oils into dry, crusty, calloused feet, and paint that fabulous glossy color on your toes that only comes on new cars and shiny red wagons. However, the experience, in the long run, is brief. It's an hour of bliss and then, like a new car, your pedicure depreciates the moment you walk out the door. Most of the time, you're wearing sandals or flip-flops because it's summer, so your feet get dirty sooner and there's a higher chance of "denting" your paint job.
If, however, you spend your $40 on bargain shopping (for the quality items, of course) and you find perhaps, a cute pair of fabric pumps on clearance and a late-season skirt that you could wear several times over, is the $40 better spent? You'll have items you can re-use and therefore, cost less per use (if you normally think about cost per unit ;)
I almost always choose the shopping because I love the fun and fashion of clothing. Besides, I can do my own mani/pedis...but alas, there is not quite as much relaxation in doing your own grooming. However, I can drink beer while I paint my toes :)
So, which would you choose?
Soft hands, feet and pretty toes (
Googling "manicured toes" get you some interesting images...but I digress)
Or a cute outfit?
(not a plaid person, but the skirt is cute.)