
Welcome to my blog about my journey through this book and it's challenges. It's a simple exercise, but it's good for me. I hope you enjoy the blips and slips and funny moments. You may even learn a thing or two too!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 6--Monday Evening

I took the day recharge my batteries.  It was great; thanks to the Lord I can take the day off.  I slept in, did laundry, cleaned a bit, exercised, spent time with my hubby (who also took the day off) and generally chilled.  I was chilled by the frozen tundra called winter outside, but nothing hot coffee can't make better.
I also cleaned the garage a bit and decided to set up a system to recycle our aluminum cans; we don't have city recycling here.  My "system" consisted of an old box--that's about it.  I told my man what it was for and he's good with it.  I actually went through the trash cans in each room to make sure I didn't miss any pop cans (or good opportunities) to recycle.  Watched the end of a movie I've seen several times and didn't wear any makeup (except for mascara of course!)  I'm online because I was attempting to get some work done while it's quiet only to realize I left a crucial piece of equipment at the office.  Oh well...not recharging my batteries if I'm working, right?

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