
Welcome to my blog about my journey through this book and it's challenges. It's a simple exercise, but it's good for me. I hope you enjoy the blips and slips and funny moments. You may even learn a thing or two too!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Week 2--Wednesday

Let me be perfectly transparent--this week, being a good listener is tough for me. In fact, I'm having one of those weeks where I need the non-judgemental ears.  Today I asked someone to please just listen for a small amount of time.  Was it helpful?  Yes.  Do I feel better? Not really sure.

I'm looking at the back of Week #2's card and it reads, "Hear what someone is telling you."  I think we all need to do a better job of "hearing" with all our senses, not just our ears.  Look at the person, read their body language, tone of voice...look at posture and gestures.  If we all worked to listen with all our faculties, perhaps we'd better understand how the person felt about what they were saying with their words.  Then perhaps we could feel the impact of the words, not just struggle to listen to them.

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